Freelance 2016-1
I am on my way to rework the layout from urban to a modest rural scenery may be a suburb but not downtown anymore. This two green patches are the starting point.

This large collection of industrial photos got my attention (posted on RMweb some time ago). Especially the CSX switcher around Jacksonville, FL looks very interesting to me. Anyhow I will stay in the freelance track and use it for inspiration only.

[Image: 23685665984_b971735184_c.jpg]IMG_4665 by faraway52, auf Flickr
[Image: 24231373821_24c965ef20_c.jpg]IMG_4666 by faraway52, auf Flickr

and a new backdrop too (with the usual unsatisfactory results... Sad )
[Image: 24206725642_4989bd61eb_c.jpg]IMG_4669 by faraway52, auf Flickr
[Image: 24022735490_142a25c167_c.jpg]IMG_4671 by faraway52, auf Flickr

First street running is reduced and will be reduced more in the future and blank spots get a green basic cover
[Image: 23954168579_06dd7bfe1d_c.jpg]IMG_4672 by faraway52, auf Flickr
[Image: 23695155083_b73917b0b7_c.jpg]IMG_4673 by faraway52, auf Flickr

And finally removing the road in the center of the layout. The left hand industry is at the rear side not road connected anymore and the residual paved area will become a team track. The center area is planned as green wasteland.
[Image: 24215052812_b394e31a36_c.jpg]IMG_4676 by faraway52, auf Flickr

The right hand industry (placeholder vertical red container) will utilize the paved area with immediate track access as its industry backyard. It will be somewhat tricky due to some through traffic when the center end left hand industries are rail served.
[Image: 24240741691_36fc4e76c0_c.jpg]IMG_4675 by faraway52, auf Flickr

It was a good day to kickoff the next rebuild Big Grin

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