HOn3 2-8-2 in the works...
Sumpter250 Wrote:...
1. There's a lot less "details" on the tender, so it is safer to work on the motor or replace it ( yes can motors do die ). ...
the can motor what you have pictured, seemed to me like an coreless coil type can motor.
These motors like rpm's and one of the reasons which causes them to die were too low gear ratios. This in conclusion with pulling long trains at low speeds will overload them an cause overheating of the brushes and collector also. At least the magical smoke consisting of the melting plastic collector carrier will escape Crazy

[Image: dsc020471jr6o.jpg]
Melted collector carrier. Right before was the rising of magical smoke to observe which has a very "electrical" smelling.
This just also can happen inside a can motor.

In my humble opinion the best way to avoid those frustration is a gear ratio of 1:36 , better 1:40 or even 1:50 and a free running mechanism.


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