James May urges nation to 'save Hornby'
MountainMan Wrote:So how, exactly, and why, exactly, is "the nation supposed to save Hornby"? That is incredibly presumptuous of the author.

Presumptuous, maybe but it would appear that you do not realise that Hornby along with Meccano, Airfix, Corgi and Scalextric were for many years British Icons and much desired, and drooled over, not only by young British chaps, but also those of us from the Commonwealth; besides it’s what I’d expect James May as a champion of “Britishness” to do.
Did Hornby trains keep up with the play, as far as their workings go, no!
One of the main reasons why I model the North American prototype is because when I started model railroading, an Athearn BB Geep had 8 wheel pick up, an enclosed motor,and the Athearn drive with flywheels!!!! Hornbys offerings were, and I gather are, still back in the Dark Ages.
Cheers, the Bear. Smile
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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