Colorado's Bad Bargain With AMTRAK
Well Mountainman New Jersey Trainset,, I mean "Transit", dose the same type of thing with it's schedule. Or if they do make a stop somewhere, the times are so off the wall that it's no use to any one. I feel that they do it to keep the ridership down, so they don't have to offer more service... I drive back and forth to work everyday in sight of there mainline but don't use it, because of the way they have their time table set up. It's still cheaper, quicker, more reliable, and more convenient for me to drive 80 miles in each direction then to use their service. Please don't be angry with me GEC when I say that NJT is not a real railroad, they should stick to driving busses. When they change there ways ,I will change my opinion of them. As far as the $$$ for the upgrades. NJT owns the track it rides on, so it's a different story, I can't comment on that one.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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