Small Stamp Mill
I ripped down the rock face:
[Image: DSCF5587_zpshukgrirr.jpg]
[Image: DSCF5588_zpsteijdbbz.jpg]
It took me about an hour to pull the rock face down as well as remove the old mine's foundation, the siding track and the ground cover down to the plywood base.
[Image: DSCF5592_zpskdd7sm8c.jpg]
Then I positioned the mill on the layout.
[Image: DSCF5593_zpstwwiusls.jpg]
It look like I won't have room for the siding after all. Not a huge deal I suppose, now the turnout will have to come out and I'll be re-laying a bit more track.
[Image: DSCF5594_zpsili31yic.jpg]
I'll also have to figure out the scenery angles between the backdrop and the structure.

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