Small Stamp Mill
I completed the hardshell and rockwork to the point of adding color last night.
I first added the hillside above the track, around the corner
[Image: DSCF5655_zpsldyzmqqc.jpg]
I used that nice rock casting on the corner and build the hillside around it.
[Image: DSCF5656_zpso6zip5m4.jpg]
Then I added a few more rocks to the slopes and blended it all in with some plaster. I also gave all the hardshell a coat of carving plaster to cover the plaster cloth texture.
[Image: DSCF5657_zpss5r2a6ga.jpg]
Next is some rock staining/coloring. I got the Woodland Scenics earth color kit and am doing some research on colors. Hopefully I'll be on that part of the project shortly

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