Hedley Junction
Finally, I resumed working on scenery. The last time Hedley Junction got some scenic treatment was back in 2012.

[Image: IMG_0731b.jpg]

Now I'm working from the staging area and will progress along the track until I reach Ciment St-Laurent plant. It took me about 5 hours to get this result but now I have a better idea of the recipe and will be faster next time.

Material used are celluclay, latex paint, static grass, dirt, shreaded dry plants, ground foam, crushed oak leaves and lots of diluted PVA glue.

[Image: IMG_0688b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0691b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0695b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0702b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0703b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0704b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0709b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0722b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0715b.jpg]

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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