Freelance 2016-2
Monday was the grassmaster battle day. This morning was the merciless revenge of the vacuum.
(The vacuum ran hot and the bag was full of brown fibers blocking the air)

The overall impression has changed a lot. No more green trees and all green grass became brown. I need to get some matching trees and bushes back.
The light is more important then before. With a lot of light glows the grass friendly golden. With dim light is it a depressing brown.

[Image: 27482093156_ed683ea37f_c.jpg]IMG_4914 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 27516367905_561e36a353_c.jpg]IMG_4913 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 27516367515_22804f8300_c.jpg]IMG_4911 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26908364203_c6f39c06df_c.jpg]IMG_4911 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26908364113_a2ec2a8f8d_c.jpg]IMG_4910 by faraway52, on Flickr
[Image: 26908364063_2d504e0531_c.jpg]IMG_4909 by faraway52, on Flickr

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