My expierience with big locos
After an ample viewing and studying both locos, never before i had owned engines of this size, the decision was made to begin with the articulated first.

[Image: dsc09852w2zcz.jpg]
After removing the boilershell this was the sight under the shell. A huge open frame, the usual rubber tubes (hardened of course) and a additional universal joint between the two driving groups.
I remembered a can motor in the grab box, years ago recovered out of an old video player or elsewhere HiFi device. This can motor is for 12V, has absolutely no cogging and is very powerful. A ideal motor for powering a model loco, but it's size precluded service in a H0 loco. In this case the firebox is so huge, so that this motor will fit into.

[Image: dsc09853gml1u.jpg]
When the old motor was removed it was time to take measurements. The new can motor will fit with a minimum of modifications.

Cheers Lutz

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