My expierience with big locos
Found two screws which hold the cab. After removing the the cab could lifted out:

[Image: dsc0994635pm6.jpg]
This was the very completest cab interior i ever have seen. :o

[Image: dsc09947sior5.jpg]
Seats and brake stand are mounted here.

[Image: dsc099480hrfl.jpg]
There is something to straighten and loose parts to resolder.

[Image: dsc099490xosn.jpg]
Should i ever decide to detail the cab interior of the L-105, this will be the style sheet.

[Image: dsc0995058qsl.jpg]
Even the roof hatches are movable.
The removable cab will make painting and glassing jobs much easier. Too beautiful to hide it in darkness and so in any case this cab interior will be lighted.

Cheers Lutz

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