Marlpost, Ontario
A Creek Runs Through It...

I couldn't decide what to do about the secondary road towards the left end of the modules. I was thinking about an alleyway and more buildings facing John Street, but I couldn't get a look that I liked.

So instead I am taking another clue from my hometown (Orangeville, ON) and putting in a creek. It's modelled on Little York St in Orangeville that had a small creek running parallel behind a row of buildings. At one point, there was a mill - on the cross-street Mill St - but that was demolished at some point after I moved away. I do remember going into it at one point when I was young as we had some Scouting gear stored there.

Anyway, that creek also ran through the park that was across the tracks beside my house. So all the elements are there, just jumbled up a bit.

I'm posting these photos from my phone, so apologies if they end up upside down again. They look right to me for some reason...?





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