Hedley Junction
The modelling season restarted recently after a summer improving the ventilation and heating of the layout room. We kind of lost our impetus from last spring, but things are slowly going back to their normal pace.

We are still working on working crossing signals and wiring is now complete with every gremlins out of our way. I'm also having someone building a custom curved layout for Clermont because the Shinohara geometry doesn't fit the space available and caused issues with some locomotives and rolling stocks.

Meanwhile, my first real project was improving a cheap and beaten down Revell stable. We got that structure from a lot a few years ago. But while the size was good and the deformed roof a nice feature, it was hard to find a reason to have such a cutesy looking building on the layout. Thus I decided to remove the long walls and replace them with blind one made of distressed styrene stripes. I put care in making them look rotten at the bottom. The roof was made out of corrugated paper found at a local art store. Cost almost nothing, easy to cut, easy to glue and easy to paint. It definitely becoming a favorite of mine for steel structure.

The painting was straighforward. Wood is covered with a coat of Krylon Camouflage Tan spray paint, then followed by a mist of white then weathered with a mix of black and burnt umber oil paint wash. Roof was painted limestone light gray then heavily weathered with full-strength oil paint. Took a week to dry, but I really like the result. Once put back on the layout, the structure is truly at home and set the semi-abandonned rural feeling I wanted. Now, I'll have to tackle the house.

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Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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