Hedley Junction
Reinhard, that's exactly my goal. Charlevoix is such an open country that cluttering too much scenic elements would kill the illusion. It's why I settled on less tracks and many parallel features (two roads, the tracks and power line).

I started to scratchbuild the new feedmill out of illustration board and Tamiya tape representing 10" asbestos shingles which were very popular when this Coop was built in 1940. The prototype real wall still have the original architectural details with old windows and wooden doors. The dimensions are similar to the Pola feedmill in the mockup but slighty wider (about 4 scale feet) and the elevator is now 30ft x 30ft following standard practice in my area.

[Image: IMG_2244b.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2246b.jpg]

I also tried for the first time to distress cardboard using an awl to scribe wood grain unto plank. So far it looks promising. I'll post the results once painted and weathering. It could proove to be a very cheap and efficient way to model wood structures without losing your hair using individual planks.

[Image: IMG_2250b.jpg]

BTW, I'm looking for information about unloading grain boxcar. In fact, I'm trying to locate pictures of the grain pit under the tracks. I feel it should have been quite different from covered hopper pits since the grain flowed on the car side by the door and not under it. Any bits of information is welcome!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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