MDC/ROUNDHOUSE locomotive rebuilds
I finished the engine detailing this evening.
[Image: DSCF6307_zpsqqudaztz.jpg]
I added the bell (Bachmann), handrails, number board (Cal scale), and headlight. I've left the whistle off to keep to brass colored while painting. The bell will be removed for painting as well.
[Image: DSCF6308_zps4vjg8efb.jpg]
I took the cab off so I could slide the handrails through the stantions from that side. That and it will come off for painting anyway.
[Image: DSCF6309_zpsgr4wdnzk.jpg]
I found that I couldn't get the handrails exactly prototypical in the front. They are supposed to come down to the pilot deck but that's not really possible when you have to remove the boiler from time to time. and I don't think I could make them look right anyway. I think I'll just clip the wire at the bottom of the stantions and be done with it.
I ended up using the MDC headlight setup but I sanded the numberboards off the side of the headlight for a more CNR look.
Next, the Tender!

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