An OMI brass caboose - also a good model?
modelsof1900 Wrote:... - a coffeepot!

... that the inner lighting by two gasoline lamps was a bit too dark ...

... I inserted two of these lanterns of the smaller type, only o.12in high (3mm) ...

... and both blowed while my attempts of increasing the brightness. ...

... Adding a stove inside, ...

... At end of this work I must note that you can not see all the modeled details through the small windows. It's not too dark however there is a too small viewing angle because of size of windows. I have tried to shot some pictures through the windows and you can see - nothing! The only shadowy contour is seen on side view of caboose above where you can guess my train watcher from the caboose crew behind the right window of cupola. Unfortunately not a good success of my attempts with the interior. ... At end it's as it is and the next caboose receives a lesser detailed interior, definitively!
it looks great! Thumbsup
Great work! Worship
But it is a kind of Murphy's Law that most of the tiny details, made affectionatlely, carefully and with your great skills, vanished at least into the invisibility of the interior. It is a pity, but not to be changeable due seize and number of windows.

Cheers Lutz

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