MDC/ROUNDHOUSE locomotive rebuilds
Thanks Matt. I just hope I can get the red into the number plate to do it justice.
Well I finished the engine and tender to the point of disassembling them for painting:
[Image: DSCF6355_zpssxd6pcar.jpg]
I think the tender is fairly well proportioned to the engine. I may shorten the drawbar a bit in the future, when I'm confident that it will handle the curves on my layout.
[Image: DSCF6357_zpsfqn6wrmq.jpg]
I have tested it on my layout and it runs. It's a bit on the nosy side but I am dealing with a 30+ year-old design that's all cast metal and gears. I also noticed that I need to clean the wheels and add weight to the tender for better electrical contact.
[Image: DSCF6358_zpskrr2e53d.jpg]
I also replaced the missing tender ladder with the brass one from the bowser kit. It was the exact width that I needed and with a bit of bending, went right into the slots in the tender body. The handrails and cut bar were already on the shell.

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