A Cold Storage Distribution Centre

Hi fellas,
Here are some pics of a project that I've just recently finished. It's a low relief building that Is a Cold Storage Distribution Centre and will provide a destination for my Cryogenic and mechanical reefer cars. What follows is a photograp[hic presentation of the project. Basically the structure consists of a balsawod core with Plastruc corrigated styrene sheeting glued onto the balsawood. The white edgings are Evergreen styrene angle strips. I almost forgot, the model is built in HO scale (3.5mm/ft --- 1/87th scale)

The raw materials
[Image: CSDC.jpg]

Attaching the one end wall
[Image: CSDC-1.jpg]

The other end wall
[Image: CSDC-2.jpg]

The front wall
[Image: CSDC-4.jpg]

Both doorways are cut out
[Image: CSDC-16.jpg]

What a difference a coat of paint makes
[Image: CSDC-5.jpg]

The next step is the making of the cargo doorways

The materials required
[Image: CSDC-17.jpg]

Each weather diaphram consists of 30 parts
[Image: CSDC-7.jpg]

[Image: CSDC-6.jpg]

Door assembly
[Image: CSDC-8.jpg]

The completed doorway
[Image: CSDC-10.jpg]

[Image: CSDC-11.jpg]

Some of the accessories

A refrigeration unit ( a Walthers roof top A/C)
[Image: CSDC-12.jpg]

The security fence (from a Kibri fence kit)
[Image: CSDC-15.jpg]

and finally the sign
[Image: CSDC-9.jpg]

Now for some more progress shots

[Image: CSDC-20.jpg]

[Image: CSDC-19.jpg]

[Image: CSDC-18.jpg]

With the backdrop in place
[Image: CSDC-26.jpg]

[Image: CSDC-27.jpg]

Preparing the base for scenicing
[Image: CSDC-25.jpg]

The finished project
[Image: CSDC.A.jpg]

Some detail shots (taken with my new camera ---- brag, brag)
[Image: CSDCB.1.jpg]

[Image: CSDC.D.jpg]

[Image: CSDC.C.jpg]

[Image: cccsdc6.jpg]

Cheers,Simon Cheers
Simon J.C.Busby
President & CEO
Bolder Creek Western RR Co.

[Image: BNSF9374-1.jpg]

NARA Member #114
Tackside Modeler <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tracksidemodeler.com/">http://www.tracksidemodeler.com/</a><!-- m -->

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