Glen's diesel rebuild thread
I repaired and added some Canadian Pacific details to the body.
[Image: DSCF6998_zps5p7qec2i.jpg]
I had to replace the missing radiator fan and it's round bezel. The body that I used was originally a CP unit molded in action red.
I had to sand the primer off so I could start making the new bezel.

[Image: DSCF7003_zpsgyzzs3gx.jpg]
I fashioned the new bezel using 1X6 styrene strip from evergreen. I layered them 3 strips thick on each side. I tried to keep the joints on the front and back as that's where the winter hatch parts go.
[Image: DSCF7009_zpsfhrgs99b.jpg]
then I glued the etched fan screen in with some CA and the Miniatures by Eric winter hatch in with some epoxy.
[Image: DSCF7015_zpsdqwip4v4.jpg]
I had also noticed that I broke some of the steps off the bottom of the shell. The spare CP shell contributed those. It will also be contributing it's grab Irons and windshield wipers. For some reason this shells part went missing some time ago.
[Image: DSCF7016_zps3wy3akoh.jpg]
And the shell primered and ready for it's first paint color, CPR gray.
[Image: DSCF7017_zpsy5l3x0rc.jpg]

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