1 : 1 scale modeling
I will let everyone know when we be ready for start up before it happens so that anyone who wants, can have a front row seat. The "B" will not be ready to move under it's own power at that time , we will just be starting the prime mover to see what kind of condition she is in after being asleep for the last four decades. This will allow us to check for vibrations in the engine, compressor, and generator. Injectors and valves will need to be adjusted , the generators AC and DC outputs can then be checked, and how well the compressor develops air can also be looked into. Another important part of the compressors operation that can be checked is it's governor that regulates when it starts and stops building pressure. If it all goes well the secondary electrical systems can be worked on, like the cooling fans, aux generator, and traction motor blowers. Still plenty of work to do, and that is all in the future. For now we still need to install the prime movers governor. Wire up starting the starting contactor, Check and tighten up a few things around the engine block, and check the stop circuit to insure we can shut it down.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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