The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VII.. Stop In!!!
Greetings, gang.

Clear and 0 outside headed for clear and about 10. No snow in the forecast for a while.

As predicted, my snow blower got a workout yesterday. Had to run it in first gear to slowly work my way through the snow. Then I grabbed the shovel to clear the front steps. As I walked to the front of the house my grandson showed up with his plow. He had planned to do the drive way for me. So we took a break instead. Had a nice visit with him. Also found out it looks like yet another funeral in my near future. My daughter's father-in-law has had his treatments for brain cancer stopped. The treatments are no longer effective. The family has not asked for a time line but hospice is involved.

This morning it's off to do some shopping. I need "stuff" rather than groceries so I'll be hitting Menards as well as Walmart. Also found a graduation present for one of my grandkids who will be graduating from high school this spring. Only one more grandkid to graduate after that.

Last night my cell phone started going nuts. Turned out one of my nieces was try to prove her mother wrong. My sister-in-law had told her that I never see texts (which is mostly true). So my niece started texting me continuously. I happened to stop my video game at just the right time to finally hear it. Had a nice chat with several relatives thanks to speaker phone.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)

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