Cheers Holly Molly It's Tender Tuesday!!!! Cheers

I spent the last few weeks working all kinds of crazy hours and dealing with snow ,snow ,and more snow. When you combine with a lack of free time and electricity I have missed posting on several threads. But for this weeks spectacular entry I have a how to on a removable coal load for our subject. I had to do all the forming and photography work on my kitchen table where the lighting is somewhat less then wonderful , because here in the frozen waist land know as the Pocono mountains It's just too darn cold down in the train room. Now that I am so far off topic that the good people at the Gauge should have me spanked,,, I will get started.

This is a project that I have been working on for Toptrain,, and this tender is now ready for some fuel.

I started by lining the coal bunker with plastic wrap and filling the void with plaster. As the plaster was drying I tried to pile it above the coal boards and give it a rough shape.

Here it is after it was dry enough to de-mold. You'll notice in the shot of the underside of the plaster that I placed a paper clip in the plaster when it was pored. This will give the plaster a little more strength.


A used some sand paper and a utility knife to give the load a final shape.

 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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