As I recently mentioned elsewhere, I got sidetracked from working on those gondolas (they need lettering, Dullcote, and some weathering) and while searching for parts to repair a Jordan truck, came across a bunch of ballpoint pen parts, which I had saved from when I was still working. 

They're the main body from Bic "Round Stic" pens, and I had saved them for making pipe loads...perfect, since I happened to have some empty flatcars layin' around. 

I got into this project pretty quickly, and neglected to take photos of the first part of the build, but later did a few make-up shots to show the start of things.  The intent was to build removeable loads for the Tichy TH&B flatcars which I recently built - two are identical kits with 12 stake pockets per side, while the third one has only 10 per side, so two of the loads will be identical, the third built to suit the other car.

The beginning of the build is blocking to support the load, as it will likely be loaded and unloaded using a crane with cable slings (cable of suitable length and strength for a particular weight, with permanent loops formed on both ends - the loops fit over the hook on the crane's bale - or, for long materials such as pipe, over a spreader beam).
The blocking provides clearance under the load for placing the slings.

Since the pipe is round in cross-section, the load will also need to be staked.  The idea is to create the load by cementing four pen-bodies together, side-by-side (three layers for each car), and use the four-pen units as forms around which the blocking and stakes can be built.  I'm using 4"x4" (HO) strip styrene to represent both the hardwood blocking and the stakes.

Here's a make-up photo showing two stakes, with a length of blocking to be cemented to the stakes - care needs to be taken that neither the stakes nor the blocking is cemented to the car...

[Image: 100_7710.jpg]

For the actual build, when I neglected to take photos, all of the stakes and first level of blocking was installed on each car.  I then added one of the four-pipe units, and installed blocking atop it, again cementing the blocking to the stakes...

[Image: 100_7711.jpg]

[Image: 100_7712.jpg]

Actually, for the two bottom layers of pipe on each car, I used a little chicanery, as I didn't have enough pens to make three loads with full-length pipes...

[Image: 100_7713.jpg]

All three cars were done in this manner, with three four-pipe units stacked atop one another.  The pipe units were then carefully slid out to allow the stakes and blocking to be painted.  I had some "wood" colour, mixed from a combination of Floquil and Scalecoat paints, and applied it using a brush.  Here's what things look liked after the paint dried and the stakes and blocking were re-installed on the cars...

[Image: 100_7714.jpg]

[Image: 100_7715.jpg]

I had already airbrushed the pipe units, so began to carefully slide each, in-turn, into its proper location on each car...

[Image: 100_7716.jpg]

[Image: 100_7717.jpg]

As each unit of pipe was added, I used the tip of an old X-Acto #11 blade to carefully apply a small amount of ca to each pipe where it touched the blocking of the level above.  The idea is to make the load into a inflexible unit that can be repeatedly lift-off or added-to the car.

Here's the second level of pipe being added...

[Image: 100_7718.jpg]

[Image: 100_7719.jpg]

...and with twisted cables tying the tops of the stakes together, the load is ready for shipping...

[Image: 100_7720.jpg]

[Image: 100_7721.jpg]

The load is, of course, fully removeable...

[Image: 100_7722.jpg]

...and is also identified as to the car(s) it fits, and its orientation on that car...

[Image: 100_7723.jpg]

Now to get back to work on those gondolas.


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RE: SOME FREIGHT CAR MODIFICATIONS... - by doctorwayne - 01-06-2019, 12:35 AM

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