A hole in the wall X4 - a liftout bridge (page 12)
Well, with some help from MasonJar, I was able to obtain a plan of John Olsens Jerome and Southwestern. I remembered it from when it was published in MR many years ago and it seemed to do all the same things I wanted in about the same space. After staring at the plan for a while, I was able to design something very similar but with my own twist.


As before, the mustard colored brown is the extents of the N scale layout below. The layout above will be HOn3. Right now, I'm thinking of modeling the narrow gauge line between Antonito, Chama, Durango and Silverton. Did I mention I'm going to do all that in a space roughly 9'x4' ? I tried my best to keep it from looking like a bowl of spaghetti. Top left, the line will leave the town of Antonito where it runs alongside a standard gauge line for a bit. It will then proceed through the above mentioned towns climbing a 4% grade at one point to finally arrive at Silverton. This layout went through several designs from one oh so very similar to the Jerome and Southwestern to a figure eight design and finally to what you see now. Since I'm not one for point to point operation, I finally decided upon a folded dog bone with reverse loops at each end and a wye turnaround near Antonito. Hmmmm, I guess I'd like to now open the floor to questions and comments.
Oops... afterthought, all radii are 18"+ and all turnouts have been designed as #6's.

Zzzzzzzziiiiiiiinggggggggggg....... kablook.

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