Proto 2000 car weighting
There was a company that used to sell soft lead sheets that could be cut to fit in place of the steel weight supplied by Athearn, but I don't know if the product is still available here in Cali since the state is trying so hard to protect everybody from themselves. If you can't still get the lead, Brass would give you a nicely weighted car without the magnetism problem. I'm not sure where you would get brass from. It may be carried by metal dealers along side steel and aluminum. When I worked in the harbor we used to use brass plates for "slider bearings" on the spreaders on all of your cranes and lifts for the containers, but I don't know where the company bought the brass from. The brass at the local hobby shop is too small to add much weight, you would need something about the same size and thickness as the steel weight in an Athearn blue box kit.

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