UP SD40-2's NEW Layout
So I had Thursday and Friday off this week, got to run some trains and think about what projects I was going to do next, the list is a mile long. I ended up deciding to start two projects, the first thing I did was to gather all the parts for my first project, here they are all pictured below, can anyone guess what I am am scratch building? one more hint, its going in the same spot the parts are pictured in Icon_e_wink ....
[Image: r71uHPe.jpg] 

Then...I decided to make my "dunk under" an EASY folding piece so I dont have to dunk under the small area to get inside the layout. When I first built the layout it wasnt that big of a deal, but now I'm starting to get older...its becoming a big deal. If I would have been smart I would have forseen this problem early on and took care of it then, but hey, I wasnt so smart on that then, so now i pay the price. 
 the dunk under was a lift out, not to bad, but ya had to pull 4 pins out and move back all the rail joiners, then you could lift it out, not really hard, but kind of a pain in the butt to do. 

I bought some hinges and installed them(here comes the "HOLD MY COFFEE BOYS, AND WATCH THIS" part) , so I pulled the four pins, moved back the rail joiners, and took out the wood stop, THEN i proceeded to move the board down. As I tried to move the board down it seemed kinda stuck, so I pushed down with some force and RIPPPP....one of the dog gone rail joiners must not have been moved fully back and it tore up about 6'' of track, OHHH CRIPES!!! Eek  , now, my head hangs low, and I have come to a crossroads, do I fix the "bridge" I already have here, or just make three separate narrow lift up "bridges" , regardless, bottom line is I need 3 pieces of flex track now and the hobby shops are not open....cripes. On the bright side, I can still run point to point for now Icon_redface .... 
[Image: 7I2226m.jpg] 

[Image: YfqK8sX.jpg]

WELL, before my mishap, I did run quite a few trains and took a bunch of pics, I'll post some here and the rest in my next post Icon_cool  .

How about an ALCO RSD15, this is a BLI engine, like all my BLI's it runs very smooth and the QSI sound in it is SLAP AWESOME...
[Image: aSZfjNG.jpg]

All my Dads layouts were of an older era then I always modeled, so I always ended up buying engines to fit on his layouts, below are a few of them(BTW, luckily, they ALL still run and sound GREAT!) 
SD24, GP20 and GP9...
[Image: Hfa5GTO.jpg]

[Image: hAx4Lha.jpg]

SD7, GP7 and GP9
[Image: sj1ZtxV.jpg]

Well, that was just a few that I bought to run at Dads when I went there. I really love these engines as I usually went for the not so common ones, they looked so awesome, I mean how about the GP20's, and the SD24's with the air tanks on the roof, those engines were just downright cool.

OK, more in my next post, tonight or perhaps tomorrow...
[Image: sig2.jpg]-Deano
[Image: up_turb10k_r.gif]

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