Meanwhile, at the cottage...a scratchbuild!
Gus - Refurbishing the garage is on my list of things to do before any layout construction begins. Currently there are 3 outlets (two pairs a and a single) spaced around the garage, one on each wall. I'd really like a few more and the security of knowing I won't blow anything or start a fire, so I may call in an electrician for this down the road. The walls are already drywalled, but unpainted. They will stay this way until the electrical work is done.

I plan on mounting the bulk of the layout on the wall with strong legs cut to fit for the blobs or peninsulas. This avoids the sloping floor problem. I will also include space beneath for the nice metal shelving units I've got. I thought about just building on them, but decided against it. I'm going to have to frame the layout benchwork anyway, so adding legs and wall brackets is simple.

Russ - I had not considered what sounds like a great idea otherwise, because I have been looking at plans and sketching ideas for an L, J, C, E, F, G or even an O shaped layout. If my planning goes that direction I'll certainly keep it in mind. I have seen garages bridged in some pretty creative ways.

I do think I may have come across an excellent candidate plan for the layout, fitting the space nicely and, with a couple minor changes, fitting a desirable operating scheme. I'll be starting a layout planning thread soon. Right now work, finishing the sale of our old house and unpacking into the new one seems to be sapping all the time away. Speaking of which...

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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