Walthers Prairie Star Grain Elevator and Milling Building
Hi guys,

I have just finished another custom build for the same guy as the Champion Packing Plant i posted a few days ago. This one being the Prairie Star Grain Elevator by Walthers. This was a plastic kit but had a wood panel siding on it. So, i used the original color (orange red, kinda looked like redwood) as a sub base color and added a tan color as my other base color for the wood. Then i added a darker brown and some black to simulate mold and decaying/rotting sections. I wanted this too look like it was on its last leg as a wood structure.... All together, it prolly took me 2 hours to build up layers of paint to where i was somewhat happy with it lol. I then assembled the structure and added the aluminum roof, and heavily weathered it to go with the rest of the structure.

Then i applied the decals, which i think i should have done first and sealed them on before i started painting, since it would have covered them up and blended them in better.... There was one logo on the side of the structure that just did not come out very well at all, it was the vertical logo and you could totally see the clear film on it, even after i had weathered it and tried to blend it in, so i had an idea pop into my head to make it look like an older logo that was seen on the structure maybe when it was first build decades ago. So i took some 220 grit sandpaper and lightly sanded off some of the decal, leaving bits of some pieces behind to make it look like it was a really old sign. It also made it look like the sections behind the old sign had been slightly more "preserved" then the rest of the structure. The opening on the side of the structure is where the covered conveyor will connect this structure to the Milling Building.

For now, here is some pics of the grain elevator structure, and when i finish the Milling Building, ill post those here as well....

[Image: SL373032.jpg]

[Image: SL373033.jpg]

[Image: SL373034.jpg]

[Image: SL373035.jpg]

[Image: SL373039.jpg]

[Image: SL373040.jpg]

I am interested to know what you guys think of this one? Misngth
Josh Mader

Maders Trains
Offering everyday low prices for the Model Railroad World

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