Van Hobbies brass CNR N-5-d 2-8-0 rebuild/ Finished pics add
Well still no sound decoder and speaker as of yet. Hopefully it is in tomorrows mail. Once I have it I will be able to drill some holes in the tender floor for the speaker and finish rewiring the drive. After a little test run I will be able to tear down the drive and get the remaining parts ready for paint.

I had put out a request a while back looking for a spare tender for a N-5-d on some other forums. I am going to need one for N-5-d #2 as the tender that came with it is for the most part junk.Only the main tender body and the floor are possibly usable. The oil bunker was cut up into 6 pieces.
I got a couple of replies and was able to purchase two other tenders a month ago .One was painted with floquil paint and decaled. The other had paint and no decals. The paint was real heavy and looked like it was done with a hardware store spray can. Today I finally stripped the paint from both. The one with the poor paint job was easy as a bath in lacquer thinner had the paint off in less than 20 minutes. This one was missing a rear step so I salvaged one from the floor of the destroyed tender and soldered it on.
Removing the paint from the tender that was painted with floquil paint and decaled proved to be a much harder job. The paint must have been baked on as after 2 hours in lacquer thinner it was not coming off.I finally got the paint off by sandblasting the tender and frame with baking soda. A messy job but the paint came off without too much trouble.

The two pictures show the floquil painted tender before I removed the paint. The paint job was okay except for the weathering. I also found the paint to be to grey looking. Easier to remove the paint and repaint with my black.

    This is the second tender I purchased. The shell has been primed to keep it from tarnishing. The floquil painted tender was left unpainted and is stored in a plastic ziplock baggies to keep it out of the air so it does not tarnish. I will be using it with the locomotive instead of the tender I repaired.

Wayne R

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