Van Hobbies brass CNR N-5-d 2-8-0 rebuild/ Finished pics add
The photos show the etched brass cab numbers I have aded to the cab. I decided to number this locomotive #2765. The full size #2765 was assigned to Smithers, British Columbia.

The etched brass cab numbers were glued in place with 5 minute epoxy. They were done one at a time. I mixed up a small puddle of epoxy and floated the cab number on it backside down for a few seconds. The number was then placed on the cab in the location I wanted it, aligned and pressed down. Once the epoxy reached a taffy like stage the extra that squeezed out around the number was removed with the tip of an x-acto blade.

The boiler for the most part was in really good shape underneath all the heavy paint. I only had to repair a few cracked solder joints and rebend a few bent handrails. There was a little tarnish under the paint but nothing serious. This was the easiest part of the whole restoration so far.

The boiler, smokebox front, pilot and steps have now been sandblasted and are in ziplock baggies awaiting painting. I am hoping to paint them this weekend.


Wayne R

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