A hole in the wall X4 - a liftout bridge (page 12)
Since I finished exploring the HOn3 distraction, I decided to go back and work on the N scale part of the plan a bit more. This time, I chose to look at the living room piece and see what I could do to enhance it. Since the piece in the living room was kind of a little layout all on it's own, I thought it would be neat to have a small train that could run just on that section instead of having to wait for the mainline trains to come around every so often. Following is what I came up with...

[Image: Livingroomside.jpg]

The magenta lines are meant to denote a very short branchline running in the mountains above the town. It will be 3" above the rest and will have a minimum of 8" radius curves... pretty tight but no problem for a short diesel, steam or a trolley.

In the valley below, I only have two industries. The first will be a lumber company reached by backing a single lumber car off the mainline, across the corner of a parking lot and right down the middle of mainstreet before coming to a stop in the lumber yard. The lumber yard was an inspiration from one that used to exist in my hometown before the railroad got ripped out. The other industry is not really an industry but rather a simple loading/unloading dock on the north side of the tracks, inspired by the good Doctor Wayne. I might elevate the street on the right side to cross the magenta tracks and let the town spill over into the foothills instead of having the road disappear into a tunnel below. I'm not totally thrilled about the way the switch locations turned out on the mainline but my options were kind of limited and I chose to go with what I think will be the easier route.

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