Van Hobbies brass CNR N-5-d 2-8-0 rebuild/ Finished pics add
More on N-5-d #2.

The right side is for the most part unmodified. There is an extra detail part on top the running board and some extra piping for the feedwater system and the bell has been relocated. These extra parts seemed to be glued on as well and possibly a hole drilled in the boiler to relocate the bell.


Here is a bottom view showing the original factory gearbox still in place. I am not sure but it looks like this locomotive was painted without taking it apart. The drivers have a lot of wear on this one and some wheels have no plating left. Surprisingly this one actually ran not to bad. It had a little gear noise and bit of a bind problem a real low speeds but for the most part ran good for a well used old brass locomotive. Most of all since some of the older Van Hobbies CNR brass from the 1970s are know to have problems.


Wayne R

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