Trains in The Mask of Zorro?
Tom Wrote:I was at the Western Pacific RR Museum in Portola last Saturday after teaching the Rules class and nosing around in the archives and found a large print of Sierra RR #3 dressed up as a UP engine from the filming of "Union Pacific".... with a VERY large Zepplin airship hovering overhead above it. About blew me away! Apparently, they used a Zep to film aerial shots.

Never knew that.

Pretty cool! I didn't recall that #3 was in it...but the only locomotive I specifically remember was the Bowker. It would have pretty cool to see #3 from high above in a Zeppelin. Bases on the time period, it makes sense that a dirigible would be used for aerial shots rather than a rotary aircraft.

Oooooo! I just found Union Pacific on Youtube...I'll have to look for the scenes from the Zorro films!!!
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My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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