Problem area on layout-any insight?
Thanks for the replies.
88- I remember seeing something about ramps as well but I must have had a senior moment and can't remember where I saw it.
Andrew- The 50's it is.I will probably go with a ramp. The flat in the picture is on a track next to the pallet works. The lumber can be off loaded onto the ramp and then taken inside. The freight handling area also has an area for lumber. I have two photos to illustrate the pallet works track and freight area.

[Image: overpass2.jpg]
[Image: pic1.jpg]

There is also a small building in the other side of the overpass that I can use for finished goods.

Stein-Those photos are great.Might be able to set some ideas from them.
As soon as I work something up I'll post some photos. Bob

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