Van Hobbies brass CNR N-5-d 2-8-0 rebuild/ Finished pics add
Today I painted the side cab windows red and the raised cab numbers CN yellow #11. Painting the windows was the easy job. I have shaky hands and the raised cab numbers proved to be a bit of a scary job as I was worried my hand would shake at the wrong time and the cab would get yellow where it was not needed.But with some patience and taking my time it came out okay.

[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]The boiler with the raised cab numbers and windows painted. The boiler is mounted on a brass tube that sits on a wooden holder I made for painting. This way the boiler could be rotated so all the nooks and crannies could be painted.

[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]Tender shell painted. The rest of the parts look the same so no need to post pictures of them.

For paint I used Polly Scale steam power black. It is not a real dark black but is also not to gray. It is a water based acrylic. I had thought of using either Floquil or Scale Coat but decided seeing as I have always used either Modelflex or Polly Scale I would stick with what I am used to. The paint was thinned ( 15% ) using bottled water and sprayed with my Badger 175 dual action airbrush using a medium tip and needle. Most everything got two light coats followed by one final coat once I was sure I had not missed any hard to get spots.

Before any of the parts were painted they were sandblasted with baking soda using a Badger mini sandblaster. This helps the paint get a better hold on the brass and cleans the parts up real nice. Then it was a wash in warm soapy water and a rinse. Next a quick dip ( no more than 10 minutes ) in white vineager to remove any stubborn tarnish followed by a warm water rinse. Next a dip in lacquer thinner then a dip in 99% denatured alcohol. Between each cleaning step the parts were blown off with compressed air and dried with a hairdryer. Seeing as the parts had been handled a lot during the rebuild I wanted to make sure everything was real clean so the paint stuck real well.

Wayne R

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