Van Hobbies brass CNR N-5-d 2-8-0 rebuild/ Finished pics add
Now that I have made a copy of my build thread here it is time for a small update.

The good news is everything is painted and the locomotive except for the tender has been clear coated. I am still waiting on the " Fuel Oil " lettering but the GOOD news is I was informed everything I need to finish the decaling was shipped last Friday ( Dec 12th ). 2285_ This means I should have the final little finishing touches done before Christmas and be able to post pictures of the finished locomotive and tender. Big Grin

Since my last posts there has been a change to how the wires from the locomotive to the tender are connected. I will cover the change when I post the final pictures.

Work on N-5-d number 2 has been put on hold until I get the track plan for a new layout done. Right now I have only a test track to run my locomotives and a few freight cars on and seeing as my N-5-d rebuild will hopefully soon be finished I will need some more track so I can run it and enjoy all my hard work. I also have a fair number of freight car kits I need to build, paint and decal. Good thing winter is here it gives me a good excuse to hide away in my shop and work on trains. Smile

Wayne R

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