Ezday's 2009 resolution challenge
OK, just as an update, I'm part way there, well, maybe a bit past part way, but not anywhere near finished.
Quote:Get my trainroom organized to the point that I can work efficiently and actually find everything I need within a short time of searching
Yeah, I've done most of this. I rebuilt my workbench so it's not about to collapse under the weight of what's on it, and I did move a few other things around, but all-in-all, it still looks a lot like it did before I did all that work. And for some reason, my workbench filled right back up again. Eek No big surprise there.
Quote:Finish redoing my trackwork on the new section of my layout and getting the track on my older section working better than it is now
Somehow I managed to finish the trackwork on my new section, but have not run trains on it yet since it still needs to be wired and the switches need ground throws added. I also failed to do anything with the older section of the layout as far as trackwork goes.
Quote:Finishing at least two of the kits that I've started over the past few years but haven't gotten around to completing.
Finish two kits, are you kidding, I haven't even looked at one kit since I first posted this. Nope This kind of goes hand-in-hand with my other resolutions about loosing 20 pounds and achieving world peace.

What kind of excuse can I possibly have for being so far behind? Well, for one thing, I did start on a woodworking project a month or so ago and that's got the garage tied up and in a mess, so that takes priority over anything on my layout since I'm tracking sawdust into the house, making my better half a bit testy. Wink That, plus my train room isn't in anyone's way so that becomes secondary. My other excuse is time. It seems like when you're retired, you have less free time than you used to when you worked. I don't know how to account for that, but it's true, ask anyone that's retired and they'll confirm that. Maybe it's because time seems to go so fast the older you get, and you also seem to work at a much slower pace. A one-hour project can take four hours and multiply that by the speed of time and you've shot a whole day on something that should have only taken an hour. :o

Anyway, since my progress hasn't been stellar, :oops: I'm officially withdrawing myself from this challenge. I've completed other challenges that we've had over the years, so I don't feel quite as badly about not finishing this one, I just wish that I had more time to get everything done that I planned on doing. Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
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