Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain
(06-15-2021, 06:43 AM)tompm Wrote: A quick question with your sand  house. Where and how is the sand delivered?

Well, to be honest, it's pretty sketchy.  In my post, above, the third picture from the bottom is the "delivery side".  Theoretically, a covered hopper (or maybe an open gondola) is spotted there, and the sand is either manually shovelled out of the gondola and tossed through that door, or a covered hopper, loaded with dried sand, is spotted near that door, which has a dump pit.  The hopper would be only partially unloaded, due to the limited capacity of the "steel" tank on the coaling tower. 
I'd guess that the covered hopper would be "company service" car, rather than from an outside railway, and it would be left in-place until emptied, then taken away to get another load of sand.

The Tichy coaling tower at Mount Forest gets its sand in the same manner, using the same dump pit as is used for coal.  Apparently, the real towers on which that model is based, had a method (possibly a gerber, as used in grain elevators) to distribute coal or sand in separate bins within the concrete structure.
After writing this, I've decided that sand for the Lowbanks elevator definitely comes in a covered hopper - no shovelling needed.  I'll have to look around for a small (and cheap) covered hopper...or maybe I'll scratchbuild one.


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RE: Remaking of the Ridley Keystone & Mountain - by doctorwayne - 06-15-2021, 10:01 AM

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