Tough Decision....
tomustang Wrote:That can be one of your bases of operation. If you approach the owners of the shops and ask them to put up flyers for your 'work' for his customers buying kits they might just say yes.

Hi Josh,

I agree with Tom here with the Flyers especially if you add a pic or two if possible of your work in the flyer.

It is a service that could bring more business his way as well and in return maybe he could offer you kits at a reduced rate, i worked in a LHS for 7 yrs and did commissions for people to be honest the rate they paid was standard and not on an hourly rate ... as you said it would work out too costly for them to pay you that so if i was you i would go for the flyer idea in all three of your LHS near you for a start and see how it goes ... dont sell up your collection think how hard you have worked for them and what they mean to you.

One thing i did find is to charge on a build the cost of paint and materials reasonably apart from the basic colours blacks/whites rattle cans of undercoat i costed the build with the colours i would need or the customer specified (i did a lot of cars/trucks) that way you generate sales for the LHS in sundries and build a stock of paint yourself none of my customers ever asked for the remaining paint when picking up their models.

If you need a tool or other add ons for a build these should be included as well ... the only way i could have made a living at this is to move down south to London which was out of the question .... as Tom said find a job and use this as an extra income to your life ...... sorry if it sounds hard but dont forget a customer will always ask for a kit you are out of stock of and so you will have to find more money and make up a minimum order for it around $500 as Will said ....... your LHS has other items he can sell to help make up an order and organise his money you wouldnt have.
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