Tough Decision....
Hi TruckLover,

The topic of opening your own Hobby Shop came up a while back on the old Gauge.

A lot of Hobby Shops have gone out of business or stopped carrying Model Trains.

There's just too much variety available and the overhead cost of stocking everything and then watching causual browsers look through the stock and not buy anything because the one item that they are looking for isn't there...

Having an on-line store helps to cut down on overhead and allows you to reach a bigger clientelle.

The on-line stores are putting the Local Hobby Shops out of business through selection and pricing.

Otherwise, open some other type of store and have the Model Trains as a side-line.

There is a Camera Shop that does this...

Dare I say, a serious business with a hobby side-line.

So, here's what I'm thinking...

It sounds like you don't want to go back to school.

1. Go work for your Grandfather at the family Jewelry Store.

2. Learn how to run a business from him.

3. Set up an Online Model Train Shop.

4. Set up a Model Train Co-Op Catalogue Store using a small space in the Jewelry Store for local customers.

Have your Co-Op members pay a membership fee of $10-$20 up front so that you have some start-up money. Place orders on their behalf in order to get discounted rates for what you buy wholesale.

Only stock the most popular items like flex track and a few turn-outs. Maybe a couple of train-sets during the holidays. What ever you can squeeze into a 10x10 space (or smaller, depending on how much space you can get in the Jewlery Store.). [Desk, Computer, Work-bench, Shelving for Regular stock and current custom work.]

Use the Walthers Catalogue and be open to ordering from other Whole-salers and Cottage Industries.

5. Build and sell models and Scratch Built items on Spec.

6. Be a value added reseller by upgrading couplers and wheel-sets, along with light weathering etc...

7. Run your business in the small spaces of time in between taking care of the Jewlery Store.
Ron Wm. Hurlbut
Toronto, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
Ontario Narrow Gauge Show
Humber Valley & Simcoe Railway Blog

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