Request suggestions-composition
How big is that switch machine? I'd eliminate the single-storey addition altogether, then build a separate structure to conceal the switch machine - a brick or wood-sided building, perhaps a crew room, car inspectors' change house, or just some storage sheds would work. Leave the ground floor wall, where the single-storey addition was removed, fairly plain - maybe a single man-door a couple of steps up from ground level. I'd also add a stairway from the lower ground level to the loading dock area - steel or concrete, but even wooden ones could work. Dead-end the track wherever necessary - it might be useful for storing snow plows or similar MoW equipment that would be used only occasionally.
An alternative to sheds could be an electrical sub-station for the headquarters building - you could have some transformers in a chain-link enclosure, and the switch gear in a low, single storey, stand-alone brick or concrete building, which would cover the switch machine. Leave the track in place for the occasional delivery of equipment.
Either version would improve the sight-lines to the roundhouse area, and the whole area could be a spot for a detailed mini-scene on its own.


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