"Magoun pier" The beginings of my layout
Brian, TMo, Tyson & Tom, thanks for your posts!
I'm also sorry for the late reply, been up at our cottage for most of the summer.
So I haven't been checking in as much as I would normally.
I also had some problems with signing in on this forum, but with some help I was able to finally do so today.

Brian, that looks like a very busy waterfront area you are building there. Looks like you have a lot going on in a small space.

TMo, first I used a product called "Magic Water" all around the pier, then I used a product from "Liquidtex" heavy gloss medium for the texture of waves on the water.

I was able to finally take my Magoun pier module out to a train show in September, the first model train show that I've been to in 3 years thanks to Covid-19.
My friend Joe Rutter was nice enough to drive down all the way from Owen Sound to give me a hand with setting things up and running trains.


I was also able to take a few more photos of the pier while I had it outside once again.
I hope you enjoy the photos!







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