Hobby Shops in Tough Times
I think you would find that all of the e-tailers (like Robin and I) would like to have the same type of shop that all of us remember, where you go in and get information , have a soda sit and chat, watch a related video, browse , but the fact is unless the retaler charges the prices they do they simply can no longer provide those frills , if you will. The cost of space , insurance , employee's , utilities and such has almost made the small "homie" type shop extinct. The large shops in large areas can still draw enough people to make it if they also do e-tail.
I think that almost all of us remember the small shop that had the owner living in the back and the heater or air conditioner was always on and you could buy a model car kit for $2.95. The net has put an end to that life style.
We had a retail shop and it is no easy task. We do however try to replicate that in our e-tail shop as best we can , but you'll have to have your own soda handy!
Thanks all you guys and gals, Mike
Everyone wants to go to heaven , just not right now .
Fifer Hobby Supply

Mike & Robin

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