Minimum radius for a Bachmann 4-8-4?
There might be a problem with yours...I've had the old standard, B-man Plus, and now the Spectrum J...but never such problems. Of course, the old standard version wasn't capable of pulling a long enough train to have such problems Icon_lol Of course, the Silver Series version is in between the B-man+ and the Spectrum (?), so it might be different than my experiences.

My GS-4s have always had a different connection than the Js. IIRC, the first two Js had the same connection, while the new one is permanently coupled (but I've not checked to see if it is the same system). As you might be able to guess...I've gone through multiples because of both flaws in the original design as well as owner error. None have ever been good pullers, but the Spectrum is by far the best of the three in every respect. Another perk to the Spectrum version is that it you can open the front coupler door and use the dummy for double heading Cheers
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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