Got hose? The Sequel.
Dave Harris sctchbld Wrote:A while back there was a post here about things that could be used to simulate hose --- a lot of great ideas were posted. At the time I had mentioned "rubber legs" --an item sold by fishing fly tieing shops, but I had none available to show.
I since then got some more, in doing so I discovered that they come in several colors & two styles. The styles are indivdual strands or a "sheet" that has to be pulled apart. The sheet is what I had last time & has a couple other uses, it will make great ribbed belting, ( conveyor belts ) or fine matting or running board covers in 1/24 scale autos for instance. I could not locate a sheet at Cabellos so I got a package of the loose ones .
Here is a picture of the ones I got, I have placed a tooth pick beside it to give an idea of scale. I think this package was about 4.00 $ . each of them is about 6 inches long, thats a LOT of hose . I am going to use some on my 1/64 junkyard cars. Take a look.


Mmmm - mental reminder to self - check if Gander Mountain or other stores in the NE twin cities area also have these rubber legs and pick up a pack or two - there must be quite a few different uses for this stuff. Great tip, thank you!


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