New British Layout -- Open to Feedback
Interesting layout...there's a lot going on in a small space!

As far as feedback...first off a disclaimer... :hey: I'm not a layout planning expert 35 . But here's my two cents worth...

I might try to change the elevation of the loops by a slight amount...say 1/2 inch from the outside loop down to the inside loop, which might provide more scenery possibilities and help protect the scenery since the layout is going to be portable. Is there any way to add a turnout to connect the inner loop to the outer loop along the east side of the layout (as pictured)? That way you wouldn't need to back trains out of the inner loop to move around the layout. And finally, you could add a hint of a tunnel or industry on the corner where the passenger train is parked to help block the end of that track and give the idea that the track leads to "somewhere else" off the layout.

Those are some quick ideas...but please feel free to tailor them to what your overall plan is for the layout. Cheers

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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