New British Layout -- Open to Feedback
Ron: the Platelayers don't have a module standard. When I joined (30 some years ago) we had a modular layout but that gradually dissipated and was superseded by several other sectional layouts. The club's policy was always that we didn't have an official layout, clubhouse or other concrete assets.
Rob: The Peco plans books only produced 2 layouts near the 3x5 size; both a little larger. Their idea of small started at 4x6. One layout was an inside-out figure-8 while the other was a loop with a reverse cutoff and a branch to a second level terminus.
McNally Robinson is at Don Mills and Lawrence. They are a small western Canadian chain. They just opened in Toronto in April.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.

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