88FANS Scratchbuild '09 Challenge
Guesstimating dimensions:
Since I have no actual dimensions of the station, and trying to research them would take half a summer, I decided to use the pic as a reference. I used this same method when I did Ore Hill, and didn't find out til some one gave me the actual dimensions, after I had finished(Figures...Right), that I was only off by a foot or two.

There are two ways I could do this. Either use the height of the man in the picture(1.), or the width of the boards(2.).
I decided to use the man. Knowing that more than a century ago, humans average height was smaller than it is today, and since the detail in the picture isn't the greatest, and I might miss a couple of boards counting. Getting some info off the net, the average height of a man in the late 1880's, which I determind, by the date scrawled on the original picture, was five foot, eight inches. So with the hat, I guestimated the height at an even six feet. And this would probably be considered "tall" back then.

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Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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