Q for Trucklover, or anyone familiar with walthers modulars
I can't get to the full size photos right now for some reason, but I would think that Walthers Modulars would allow you to get reasonably close.

There is a template for some of their parts available on their website, so you could start with a mock-up to see what you think. The actual parts go together pretty well but I am finding that filing the horizontal joints in necessary to avoid a fairly visible joint between floors. The parts are well formed with very little flash, and other than the aforementioned horizontal joints, everything else seems to fit well.

For that building, you'd need mostly "small windows in walls", plus a bunch of the "wall columns and caps". You could fabricate your own roof and foundation (the roof because flat styrene is cheaper than Walthers roof, and the foundation because it looks like that building has been built into the side of a hill, so Walthers parts would not really add anything). I think you'd still need some Evergreen styrene sheets for that front entrance, and possibly in different brick patterns to fill in some windows down the side.

I do find the DPM modular parts to be a bit on the expensive side. To sway you even more towards Walthers, I think that the sale on Modulars is continuing - check with Josh (Trucklover) to see what he says.

Hope that helps.


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