Speed Matching Loco's for MU Consist
I will try to clear some of this up. When I speed match two locomotives I use CV 2 (start volts) CV5( maximum speed) and CV6( mid speed). Note- not all decoders have all of these CV's.
You can also use CV3 (start delay) and CV4 (brake delay) I would stay very low with the values in CV3 and CV4, like 2 or 3. If you get too much set in these two CV's (CV3) will make the locomotive very slow to respond to the throttle- same goes of CV4. CV3 is the accelaration rate and CV4 is the braking rate.
Then I put the two locomotives on a large oval of track and run them at speed step 1 and use CV2 untill both run about the same. Then try using speed step 5 and get them to run the same, You work you way up the speed steps untill you have reached the max speed.
Most of the time I get one locomotive to run like I want it to. By using the CV2-CV3-CV4-CV5 and CV6. Then I use that locomotive and try to match others to run very much like it. When you MU them they should run as a team and work together and not fight one another.
Like I said in a earler post, some brands of deoders do not match well with other brands.
Hope this might help.

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