An engine servicing facility for the JGL
jglfan Wrote:Thanks Val, Wayne. Quarter round strips huh? I'll check that out. Val, I don't quite understand what you mean, would it be possible for you to post a photo?

Sure thing Gary. Smile

On the benzol plant I had to change the some of the standard Walthers modular windows from 5 rows of windowpanes to 3. As you can see, the Walthers window has a wider edge, which I re-created from some very thin styrene strip. The mullions are not quite as thick as these outside frames, and my very thin styrene was a perfect match for the slight inset.

[Image: benzol_window.jpg]

What you're seeing in this photo is the front side of the window. I didn't bother cutting down the extra panes, because I'm not showing the interior of the building.

This shot, shows the standard modular window above, and the modified window below.

[Image: benzol_redo.jpg]

Here's a side view, which shows how the windows are inset in the openings, as opposed to flush mounted with the outside of the wall. This is simply a matter of gluing them to the inside of the walls. The opening is slightly larger than the window itself, and that's where the extra wide frame helps hide any spaces.

[Image: benzol_side1.jpg]

Not sure if the photo's explain it properly. Maybe this diagram will help.

[Image: window_dia.jpg]

Brick structures seem to always be done this way, whereas wood structures often have framing around the window that is actually sitting on the surface of the outside walls.

About the Steamtown get-together -- I would love to come but I don't have a @#&^ passport.


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